This provides a summary of the main features and limitations of the Craftinsure range of policies which are specifically designed to cover pleasure craft and protect pleasure craft owners against legal liability they may incur.
The policies cover:
- Loss or damage to the vessel and associated equipment as agreed up to the total value insured due to external accidental means, fire, explosion, negligence, malicious acts and other causes specified in the policy.
- Theft of the vessel, or of equipment provided the theft follows forcible entry or removal by force.
- Loss or damage whilst in transit by road within the UK.
- Claims against you by Third Parties up to a maximum of £5m any one event.
The policies do not cover:
- Wear and tear, deterioration and depreciation
- Third Party claims whilst in transit by road
- Theft of outboard motors from the vessel unless attached with an anti theft device in addition to normal method of attachment
- Loss or damage to the vessel or equipment caused by your recklessness or wilful misconduct
- The cost of making good any defective workmanship.
- Use of the vessel for anything other than private pleasure
- The amount of any Excess stated in the policy (doubled in respect of damage to under water gear for Tidal Motor Boats, Speedboats and RIBs).
Important policy conditions:
- The vessel and trailer must be maintained in a proper state of repair and seaworthiness/roadworthiness.
- Deductions for wear and tear apply in respect of sails and covers over 3 years old (see policy for specific details).
- You must exercise due care in safeguarding the vessel and equipment.
- You must be able to supply the serial number of your outboard engine.
Please see the additional terms applicable to: Smallcraft, Racing Dinghy, Speedboat and RIB, Racing Yacht and Third Party Only Policies.